Lösung: EMC testing of vehicles and vehicle components (EUBs)

Solution: EMC testing of vehicles and vehicle components (EUBs)


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TÜV AUSTRIA is a Member in Good Standing of TIC Council | TÜV (R)

EMC testing of vehicles and vehicle components (EUBs)

In welcher Region benötigen Sie diese Lösung?

Accreditation Technical Service

TÜV AUSTRIA is accredited as a testing body (“Technical Service”) by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA).

The test reports of TÜV AUSTRIA are therefore recognised in Austria and Germany in the type approval procedure. In addition, a number of other countries also accept the test reports of TÜV AUSTRIA.

"TÜV AUSTRIA is an accredited testing body ("Technical Service") for the type approval of vehicles and ESAs that have immunity relevance."

EMC testing of vehicles and vehicle components (ESAs)

Type approval is mandatory for all vehicles and ESAs falling within the scope of ECE Regulation No.10 that have immunity relevance.

Type approval is granted by the national approval authorities. This requires an assessment by a “technical service”. TÜV AUSTRIA is accredited as a testing body (“technical service”).

  • Testing according to ECE Regulation No.10 (vehicle and components)
  • Testing according to ISO standards (e.g. ISO 16750-2, ISO11452-4) and manufacturer standards
  • Advice on the selection of the appropriate type approval procedure
  • Preparation of test reports
  • Verification or certification of the quality management system including road traffic regulations (mandatory in Germany)
  • Verification of conformity of production (CoP)
  • Support in the handling of the approval procedure

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  • Personen- / System- / Produkt-Zertifizierung

  • Verification of Conformity

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