Lösung: Materials testing & metallurgical analysis

Solution: Materials testing & metallurgical analysis

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Jagschitz

Deutschstraße 10 1230 Wien Österreich

+43 664 60454 6617

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TÜV AUSTRIA is a Member in Good Standing of TIC Council | TÜV (R)


Region: Österreich

Deutschstraße 10 1230 Wien Österreich

+43 1 6650 600

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TÜV AUSTRIA is a Member in Good Standing of TIC Council | TÜV (R)

Materials testing & metallurgical analysis

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"We offer fracture mechanics investigation and volatile hydrogen measurement in the lab and with mobile devices."

We perform all standard tests and full metallographic characterisation. Additionally, we offer fracture mechanics investigation and volatile hydrogen measurement in the lab and with mobile devices.

Materials testing & metallurgical analysis


  • Determination of typical mechanical material properties
  • Fracture mechanics, KIc, CTOD
  • Chemical analysis
  • Metallography
  • Corrosion tests
  • Measurement of volatile hydrogen in steel structures


    • Testing laboratory with universal testing machines up to 10 MN
    • Non-contact 3D strain measurement ARAMIS
    • Microscopy (light and REM/EDX)
    • Elemental analysis with spark spectrometry OES
    • In-situ metallography (replica testing)
    • Climate testing chambers (10m3, -40°C to +90°C, humidity 95%)
    • Corrosion testing, salt spray testing, mobile hydrogen measuring probe
    • Workshops for jig and sample manufacturing

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