Lösung: Radio parameters

Solution: Radio parameters


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Region: Österreich

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TÜV AUSTRIA is a Member in Good Standing of TIC Council | TÜV (R)

Radio parameters Transmitting devices, receiving devices

In welcher Region benötigen Sie diese Lösung?

Accredited test centre for radio equipment (excerpt)

European standards (ETSI – European Telecommunication Standards Institute), excerpt

  • EN 300 086-2 “Land Mobile Service
  • EN 300 220-2, EN 300 330-2, EN 300 440-2, EN 305 550-2 “Short-range radio equipment”.
  • EN 300 328, EN 301 893 “Wideband transmission systems”.
  • EN 300 422-2, EN 301 357-2, EN 300 454-2 “Radio microphones and other audio transmission systems”.
  • EN 300 718-2 “Avalanche beacons”.
  • EN 300 674-2-2 “Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT)”.
  • EN 300 676-2 “Aeronautical Radio Service
  • EN 301 783-2 “Amateur radio equipment”.
  • EN 302 018-2 “Radio transmitters
  • EN 302 208-2 “RFID


USA and Canada Standards

  • ANSI/TIA-603-D, FCC Part 90, RSS-119 “Land Mobile Service
  • FCC Part 15, RSS-210 “Short Range Radio Equipment”
  • FCC Part 15, RSS-247 “Broadband Transmission Systems”.
  • FCC Part 74, RSS-123 “Radio microphones and other audio transmission systems”.
  • FCC Part 87, RSS-141 “Aeronautical Radio Service
  • FCC Part 97 “Amateur Radio Equipment”
  • FCC Part 74, BETS “Radio Transmitters
  • FCC Part 15, RSS-210 “RFID

"Accredited test centre for radio equipment according to European standards (ETSI) and American, Canadian standards (ANSI, FCC)."

Testing the radio parameters of transmitting and receiving devices

Today, wireless communication and thus radio technology are indispensable in most areas of our daily lives. The radio spectrum, i.e. the number of available radio frequencies, is a natural resource that must be shared by all radio equipment. The effective and efficient use of the radio spectrum is therefore a central component in the conformity assessment of radio equipment.

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