Telecommunications Technology

Telecommunications Technology, Electromagnetic Compatibility



Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is becoming more and more important for the safety and quality of electrical and electronic devices and installations. Functional safety of devices and protection of neighbouring devices and installations from negative influences thereof are inevitable regardless of the place of operation.

TÜV Austria’s wide-spread scope of services guarantees that products including computers, household appliances, medical devices, office machines, lifts, industrial machines, electrical devices, vehicles and their electrical/electronic components, etc. are in accordance with the relevant EU directives.

These are the general EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and the Directive 2004/104/EC, that covers placing vehicles and their components on the market as well as its national implementation.


Telecommunications & EMC

Tel.: +43 (0)50454-1349 | Fax: +43 (0)50454-6005 | E-Mail:

Deutschstraße 10 | 1230 Vienna – AUSTRIA


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